We made one of these.
AND Herein we electronically announce that we, Benjamin S. Bahlmann and Amanda S. Thomson, are getting married (!)
What a day! We’re SO THRILLED :-)
We’re also pretty excited about this whole website endeavor. We weren’t going to make one at first, but who are we to deny our love the imprimatur of a URL address? Plus neither of us has had a website since Xanga, we think, and only one of us really did that. All of which is to say, when the dust finally settled, we were all, heck, why not, and found ourselves ushering this brave new era of wedding-website-us.
Well, come on in. Let us show you around! Introduce you to the key players! Provide a few fun instructions and disclaimers. You know, the works. And hey, we aim to please, so leave your suggestions in the comments.
All photography provided by Ben’s Selfie Stick. And the occasional passerby.